Despite being 15 metres below the sea level, it was hot, dry and windy. I was trying to get to some nice-looking dunes a few hundreds metres from the road and it wasn’t easy.
That’s how I remember Mesquite Sand Dunes in Death Valley, which we visited about 9 months ago during our American Southwest trip. After a long drive from Yosemite, Death Valley welcomed us with dry +40C (nothing special for us, fans of Australian Outback). That day we had just enough time for a brief visit to Badwaters and Zabriskie Point, I was also hoping to get to these dunes before sunset. Unfortunately, I had underestimated Death Valley distances and was late…
Download Mesquite Sand Dunes, Death Valley wallpaper for free for your screen size here: 1024×768, 1280×800, 1280×1024, 1440×900, 1680×1050, 1600×1200, 1920×1200, 1920×1440

Are you a Facebook addict? If so, I have a great news for you: I was resisting Facebook for a while, but now I realise its great potential and happy to announce a Yegor Korzh Travel Photography Facebook Fan page. I hope it will make it easier for you to receive updates from this website, so become a fan, participate in discussions, criticize – you are very welcome!
But if you don’t use Facebook regularly, you can still use the following options:
Among other site-wide changes you could notice that I have changed a standard blog commenting system to DISQUS: now you can use your Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, OpenID or DISQUS account to comment on posts in blog and places sections.
Let me know what you think! Is there anything I could do better? Do you like my new website color scheme? Is there anything I could improve?

This image of Tidal River in Wilsons Promontory (Victoria, Australia) was taken just a few hours before 2010. I had my camera set to 30 seconds exposure, but I felt that it was the longest exposure time in my life – I was surrounded by millions of mozzies, they were practically everywhere and I was absolutely unprepared. After this shot I ran from that river back to our camp. Just 40 minutes later a strong storm with heavy rain and strong wind came from the west and we spent the night celebrating the New Year Eve inside the tent.
Download this free Tidal River wallpaper for your screen size here: 1024×768, 1280×800, 1280×1024, 1440×900, 1680×1050, 1600×1200, 1920×1200, 1920×1440

Here we go – another holiday season just around the corner and I’d like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year!
Without you and your great feedback and support, I wouldn’t be able to keep up with regular updates and had very little motivation to post new photos or develop this website – so thank you very much! I wish you all the best, and again – Happy New Year!
I will be away for the next two weeks, but I can’t tell you where I’m going to. No, it’s not a secret! Cyclone Laurence have ruined all my original plans and I’m desperately looking at the map for new ideas. Current plan is that I’m going west and will decide what to do along the way.
To keep things moving I’ve scheduled a few posts in the places section of the website, so look for updates.
Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year!

Since I started my monthly free desktop calendar program in September, I noticed that dark or blue wallpapers attract much more attention. I must admit that I prefer them as well – they distract less and it is much easer to find icons on desktop.
The main calendar for January 2010 features beautiful rocks at Mimosa Rocks National Park, located about 400km south of Sydney.  Rocks were named after Paddle Steamer (P.S.) Mimosa which ran into them in 1863. Two lives were lost. More images from this location you can find in this photoset: Mimosa Rock National Park.
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