I’m happy to announce that the image of the Wallace’s Hut from Alpine National Park will be displayed on RMIT Exhibition “Shelter: On Kindness” from 25th of September to 25th of October.
Here is a brief introduction:
“Shelter: On Kindness” is an exploration, an exercise in inviting artists, architects, writers and thinkers to reflect on what qualities of environment and circumstance afford us shelter in a physical and metaphorical sense.
Is a shelter a sense of safe haven, a place to protect ourselves from the natural elements, from the unrelenting pressures of modern life or, perhaps, a place or space to reflect on our innermost thoughts.
“Shelter: On Kindness” examines the ideas of nurture and kindness through the filter of the writings of psychoanalyst and author Adam Phillips and historian Barbara Taylor on the history of kindness.
Official Information: Shelter: On Kindness, RMIT Gallery
RMIT Gallery
344 Swanston Street
Melbourne 3000
Hours: Mon-Friday 11-5 Saturday 2-5
Closed Sundays and public holidays.
Free Admission.
For quite some time I’ve been thinking to bring photo print sales from redbubble back in-house or move to another platform. Today, I’d like to announce that this transition has been successfully completed.
From now on, all prints will be fulfilled via fotomoto.com, company that specialises on high quality professional prints and allows integration of their storefront and shopping cart with my website. Apart of these great services, I hope that their customer management system will save a bit of my time and allow me to concentrate on shooting new images. Please read more about fotomoto.com services here: http://www.fotomoto.com/site/confidence.
Currently, all images are available in formats from 8″ to 30″ on glossy, lustre and metallic paper.
To make this transition smoother, I’m happy to offer a limited time 25% discount coupon: 0A77FF.
If you have any troubles with your orders, please contact me.

Yes, I decided to start another initiative in my blog. Every month, I will be giving away one or two images as desktop wallpaper calendars. It is free and you’re welcome to distribute it. Each wallpaper will be available in a number of most popular (in my and this website statistics opinion) sizes, but I’m open for suggestions.
The first image will be a Smoky Grand Canyon, Arizona. On the day (and the only day) when I’ve been there, firefighters decided to lit some controlled fires and most of the canyon was covered by smoke.
Download wallpaper for your screen size here: 1024×768, 1280×800, 1280×1024, 1440×900, 1680×1050, 1600×1200, 1920×1200, 1920×1440
I hope you know how to put it on your desktop :)
It is my first try, so if you have any problems, suggestions or know how to make it better – please let me know.
UPDATE: If you want to use this image on your mobile, please follow this link:Â Â Shadows of Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA – Mobile WallpaperÂ

SYD-BKK-FRA-KBP-FRA-SFO-SYDÂ equals 50 hours in the air. Landed yesterday early morning. Flight around the world is over.
Spent last month visiting relatives and friends in Kiev, Ukraine and travelling around California, Utah and Arizona. My camera was with me all the time. Came back with 140Gb of RAW images from:
– Kiev, Ukraine
– Yosemite NP, CA
– Death Valley NP, CA
– Zion NP, UT
– Bryce Canyon NP, UT
– Canyonlands NP, UT
– Arches NP, UT
– Monument Valley, AZ
– Antelope Canyons (higher and lower), AZ
– Horsehoe Bend, AZ
– Grand Canyon, AZ
So keep your RSS reader, twitter reader, browser or whatever you use ready – I’ll start posting new images very soon …
If you’re a regular visitor of my website, you probably noticed that almost all content is geotagged. You can have a look at the map and search for images taken in the region you are interested in, or you can find descriptions of some interesting places. Almost all pages show the content geographically related to the place or image you’re looking at or reading about.
Read more…