With this fresh desktop calendar I’d like to take an opportunity and wish you all, your families and friends a Happy New Year, let all your plans and wishes materialise!
As before, Windows themes and all wallpapers with fresh calendar are available for download here: Free Desktop Wallpaper Calendars.

In addition to PC wallpapers, Android users can enjoy over 130 images from my portfolio for free as high-resolution wallpapers for Android devices. App also allows access to Flickr, Facebook, Picasa and Instagram, so you can use your own images as well as images from my portfolio as wallpapers for your Android. If you phone doesn’t have access to Google Play, app is avilabale on Amazon and many 3rd-party markets as well – just search for “Awesome Nature Wallpapers“.

This is a 37th image in my free monthly calendar wallpaper collection. That means, that I’m posting free wallpapers for more than three years every month. It is getting harder to update all previous wallpapers from the vacation at the rent an island in Fiji, but I’m not going to stop this activity.
As always, Windows 7 themes and all wallpapers with fresh calendar are available for download here: Free Desktop Wallpaper Calendars.
In addition to PC wallappers, Android users can enjoy over 120 images from my portfolio as high-resolution wallpapers for Android devices. App also allows access to Flickr, Facebook, Picasa and now Instagram, so you can use your own images as well as images from my portfolio as wallpapers for your Android.
You can get it from Google Play market here: Awesome Nature Wallpapers | FREE or here: Awesome Nature Wallpapers. If you are already using my app, please update it to the latest version – I’ve recently released an update with new UI, lots of bugfixes and expanded functionality of free version.

As I’m a bit lazy this winter season and not shooting many new seascapes, I’m adding this older image, which I made on the southern end of Sydney’s popular Avalon Beach a year ago.
Windows 7 themes and all wallpapers with fresh calendar are available for download here: Free Desktop Wallpaper Calendars. Android users can enjoy over 100 images from my portfolio as high-resolution wallpapers for Android devices. App allows access to Flickr, Facebook and Picasa, so you can use your own images as well as images from my portfolio as wallpapers for your Android.

When was the last time you changed your desktop wallpaper? If you are tired of looking at the same picture everyday – it is time for a change! Above  is a new addition to  my collection for your consideration. I made this image while hunting Northern Lights in Lapland couple years ago.
Windows 7 themes and all wallpapers with fresh calendar are available for download here: Free Desktop Wallpaper Calendars. Android users can enjoy over 100 images from my portfolio as high-resolution wallpapers for Android devices. App allows access to Flickr, Facebook and Picasa, so you can use your own images as well as images from my portfolio as wallpapers for your Android.

Cape Solander is a popular whale watching spot in Sydney located not far from the James Cook’s first landing place in Australia. It was named after botanist Daniel Solander who was onboard Endeavour during Cook’s Pacific Ocean mission and discovering Australia.
Windows 7 themes and all wallpapers with fresh calendar are available for download here: Free Desktop Wallpaper Calendars. Android users can enjoy over 100 images from my portfolio as high-resolution wallpapers for Android devices. App allows access to Flickr, Facebook and Picasa, so you can use your own images as well as images from my portfolio as wallpapers for your Android.