All Posts with ‘sea’ Tag

I love shooting seascapes and I honestly doubt that I’ll ever get tired of it. I’ve seen so many capes, heads, beaches, bays and coves that I can’t remember or count them all. Despite that, they can still surprise me and offer something different, something unique.

I knew that Cape Woolamai is special – it was on my list for quite a while and I saw many great photographs taken there, but even with these high expectations I had that “Wow!” moment once I reached the cliff’s edge.

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Everybody sees things differently, for example, Maori people believe that these boulders are calabashes or kumaras, geologists describe it as “septarian concretions” and trying to convince us that these rocks are cemented sediments, and at the same time, the most creative minds assert that Moeraki Boulders are nothing less than petrified dinosaur or extraterrestrial eggs.

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By looking at the number of lighthouses along the NSW coast, I believe there should be at least several hundreds of lighthouses in Australia. Unfortunately, most of them represent a plain white tower and only a few lighthouses feature some uniqueness in shape or colour. Hornby Lighthouse is one of those that stand out from the mass.

Hornby Lighthouse is 9 meter high and located on the top of the Sydney’s South Head, at the edge of the cliff, 27 meters above the sea level. It is also a 3rd oldest lighthouse in New South Wales and 7th in Australia.

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Pebbly Beach, Forster, NSW, Australia

I guess it is not going to surprise anybody if I say that Australia has virtually unlimited potential in terms of seascape photography – every single kilometre of 25000km coastline has something special and interesting to offer. Moreover, all 25000 kilometres are constantly changing in time.

While all of the above is true, some locations are still better than others, and if I had some kind of seascape location rating, Pebbly Beach at Forster would definitely take one of the top positions.

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Fingal Head, Port Stephens, NSW, Australia

Are you a nature photographer? Do you like seascapes? Climber? Fishing, maybe? If your answer is yes to any of these questions and you are planning your holidays in Port Stephens region make sure that you visit these magnificent rocks of Fingal Head.

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Merewether Baths, NSW, Australia

A “largest of its kind” since 1935, Merewether Baths is a great swimming and photographic location just outside Newcastle. Numbered diving blocks installed on the both sides make this ocean pool unique comparing to a hundred of others along the coast.

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