All Posts with ‘Stone’ Tag

Everybody sees things differently, for example, Maori people believe that these boulders are calabashes or kumaras, geologists describe it as “septarian concretions” and trying to convince us that these rocks are cemented sediments, and at the same time, the most creative minds assert that Moeraki Boulders are nothing less than petrified dinosaur or extraterrestrial eggs.

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Upper Antelope Canyon, Arizona, USA

Do you speak Navajo? If not, then you are like me and probably didn’t know that “Tse’ bighanilini” means “the place where the water runs through the rock” and is a name of one of the most amazing places in the world. Unlike many others, it is a simple and meaningful name, however, it doesn’t explain why this canyon is so popular and attracts hundreds of tourists each day.

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Pebbly Beach, Forster, NSW, Australia

I guess it is not going to surprise anybody if I say that Australia has virtually unlimited potential in terms of seascape photography – every single kilometre of 25000km coastline has something special and interesting to offer. Moreover, all 25000 kilometres are constantly changing in time.

While all of the above is true, some locations are still better than others, and if I had some kind of seascape location rating, Pebbly Beach at Forster would definitely take one of the top positions.

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Marked only on topographic maps – Palona Cave is located in the middle of the Royal National Park – the first Australian National Park established in 1879.

Primarily, this park is famous by its coastal views, Australian bush, rainforests,  and activities available for Sydney locals and turists – bushwalks, bike riding, camping, kayaking and etc.
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