All Posts with ‘valley’ Tag

No trip to New Zealand’s South Island is complete without visiting at least one of its’ famous glaciers located on the west coast of the island. Among them is a 13 km long Fox Glacier, named after a former Prime Minister of New Zealand Sir William Fox. Descending from almost 3000m to just 300m above the sea level and ending in a rainforest, this glacier is one of the few of this kind in the world.

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Originally built as a temporary set for an Australian blockbuster movie “The Man from Snowy River” in 1981, Craig’s Hut is now a very popular tourist attraction. Located not far from the Mount Stirling summit, it perfectly complements astonishing views of Victorian Alps, creating even better landscapes.

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Yosemite National Park, CA, USA

As I spent there less than a day, I don’t think I can say much about this park, but impressive nature, mountains and waterfalls pushed me to post something about this park in “places” part of the website. Also, this small and inadequate description of this great place is the first “place” outside Australia posted in this blog.

To keep format of the post, here is some formal info: Yosemite National Park famous for its’ waterfalls, deep valleys and steep mountains occupies approximately 1200 square miles in the Eastern California.

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