Lakes are perfect subject for landscape photography. No matter what – clear skies or storm, drought or drenching rain, interesting foreground or nothing at all – you can always find your perfect shot. And even if you can’t, you can always leave your camera alone and simply relax and enjoy the view.
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I love shooting seascapes and I honestly doubt that I’ll ever get tired of it. I’ve seen so many capes, heads, beaches, bays and coves that I can’t remember or count them all. Despite that, they can still surprise me and offer something different, something unique.
I knew that Cape Woolamai is special – it was on my list for quite a while and I saw many great photographs taken there, but even with these high expectations I had that “Wow!†moment once I reached the cliff’s edge.
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Originally built as a temporary set for an Australian blockbuster movie “The Man from Snowy River†in 1981, Craig’s Hut is now a very popular tourist attraction. Located not far from the Mount Stirling summit, it perfectly complements astonishing views of Victorian Alps, creating even better landscapes.
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Surrounded by the endless plains and fields, Grampians mountains range is one of the most popular tourist destinations in western Victoria that offers almost all possible outdoor activities in the same place: hiking and rock climbing, camping, exploring wilderness of mountain ranges and wetlands, swimming and canoeing, fishing or simply sightseeing.
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Malmsbury, a small town located in 95 kilometers to the north-west from Melbourne, was founded some time in 19th century and still has some old buildings. Read more…

Cape Conran Coastal Park, located in the East Gippsland region of Victoria in approximately 100 kilometers from the Lakes Entrance. Read more…