Yourambulla Caves

Yourambulla Caves Aboriginal Site is one of the several Aboriginal Painting sites in the Flinders Ranges region. Located just 11 kilometres south of Hawker, this site offers a self-guided tour and features three cave galleries.

Yourambulla Caves

There is a 20 minute waking trail from the car park to the base of the main and largest cave. This cave hangs off the cliff and can be accessed by the steps leading to a viewing platform.  At the base of the main cave you will find an information board explaining the meaning of the different images and how they were created.

Yourambulla Caves

Yourambulla (or “yura bila”) means “two men” in the language of the local Aboriginal people and refers to two hills located nearby. These hills represent two ancestral beings who camped at this place during the Dreamtime (creation time in Aboriginal mythology).

Yourambulla Caves

Most of the images are painted by charcoal mixed with animal fat, but in some places you will find red, yellow and white paints, these were pained with ochre. 

Yourambulla Caves

Two other smaller caves are located in a few hundreds meters from the main gallery and can be found by following a trail markers. Allow 1-2 hours to explore all the three sites.

Yourambulla Caves

As many other Aboriginal art sites, these caves are protected by ugly mesh fences. It is sad, but it is done to protect it from ourselves.


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